GDES 308: Web Design
Summer 2022(Handmade Web)
M - Th 1:00–3:00p (EST)
Aidan Quinlan

“I evoke the term ‘handmade web’ to suggest slowness and smallness as forms of resistance.”
— J. R. Carpenter
The hand has become increasingly less present in the web as we know it today. Websites are automated or built from templates, and the knowledge of how to make a website is relegated to a select few. It has only gotten easier to learn and make on the web, but the idea and perceived requirements for a website have become so convoluted and arcane that many avoid the subject. This course seeks to dispel these ideas and will emphasize the hand-quality of websites by developing an understanding of the best practices, language, history, and present context of the web. We will examine the space of the web at large and explore and challenge what a website is and can be with the hopes of reclaiming an important creative space.
The websites we will make may be small, but their hearts will be big.
The first part of the class will be technically focused. It will be comprised of a series of lessons, readings, workshops, and small projects to develop familiarity and confidence with the language of the web. We will focus on the basic languages of web development: HTML, CSS, and a little Javascript. This class is designed for students with no programming experience at all, but should be useful to any skill level. The second part will be focused on a larger project website.
This class will place heavy emphasis on the hand, craft, and care of your design and code. We will learn how to borrow and learn from others’ code, but we will strive to understand how to code it ourselves. This class will question much of what is commonly understood about the web and technology in general.
Some questions we will consider:
- Is tech always the answer? (“There’s an app for that…”)
- Why put something on the web? Does it need to be a website?
- What are the qualities unique and inherent to the web and how can we harness and utlize these qualities in our work?
- How can we exist with more care online? What can we do to make the world wide web a nicer place?
When it comes to evaluation in this class, I am less interested in "polish" and whether or not something satisfies the desires of the design industry, and more interested in the effort, care, and development of a personal process. We all work and learn in different ways and at different speeds, and my greatest hope is that this class offers time, space, and guidance to explore web design in whatever way is most valuable to you.
A Note On Instruction
Much of this class is driven by your own initiative. I provide the groundwork and the fundamental toolkit for beginning to make websites, but there are so many pathways and possibilities when it comes to the web so I leave it up to you to find the way that interests you the most.
I'm not a manager and I will give you as much space as you need. I try to situate myself as a guide, an assistant, and a peer. But, if you have any questions, encounter problems, or just need some guidance or feedback, please ask me! I am here to help, but I leave it up to you to communicate your needs.
The primary goal of this class is to demystify and remove the barrier for entry into web development and programming. Any and all questions are welcome. I will not know every answer, but we can work together to find one (and there are always many when it comes to coding). Learning how to search is the coder's greatest tool.
By the end of the class you will:
- Have a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and basic Javascript
- Understand the design principles particular to the web and dynamic media
- Have a basic understanding of web publishing
- Have an understanding of the history and present context of the web
Class Sites
Early in the semester we will set up individual class websites to house all products of this class (projects, writing, anything else…). We will host them using Github Pages. You can design and organize this however you like, as long as all content required in this class is accessible and easily found. You will turn projects in by publishing them to your site.
More details can be found in the project page.
For some assigned readings I will ask you to respond to the reading with a short journal entry that you will upload to your class site. A few sentences is all that is required, but feel free to write and add however much you would like—this is your space after all!
There will be some time for reading discussions, but class time will largely be reserved for work, review, and activities. However, these readings will help facilitate a common understanding about the history and present context of the web. Ideally, they will also serve as inspiration for you (as they have for me).
Class Collection
The class collection is an channel for collecting and sharing websites and web related resources with the class. Engagement with the class collection is optional but strongly encouraged! Over time this will become a shared resource of inspiration, reference, and information for our class, the future handmade web classes, and for any wanderer who comes across the collection. The collection can be found here. A link to the channel is also found in the top nav of this site, marked as ✶✶.
During the first half of the class we will work on a series of smaller projects to practice and experiment with designing for the web. We will work on these as if they were workshop projects, keeping them small, messy, and experimental.
Details for each project will be outlined on the Projects page.
Final Project
The final project will take up the last two weeks of the class. It can be anything you like: a project you’ve had in mind for some time; an extension of your practice or an even larger project outside of this class. What is important is the craft, care, and concept of the project. It will be graded on these qualities. It should be unique, personal, and a world of its own.
More details can be found on the Project page.
40% — Participation
40% — Process
20% — Execution
This class will require a computer, a text-editor (I recommend Atom), and a browser (Chrome or Firefox). I would also suggest a sketchbook for much encouraged off-screen thinking, note-taking, sketching, and journaling.
More details can be found on the Tips page.
This class will take place entirely online. Unless stated otherwise, we will regularly meet (synchronously) during the scheduled class times using Zoom.
We can consider this a feature rather than a hinderance for learning web design as we will inhabit and communicate within the environment that we will be designing and making for!
While I won't ever require it, having your camera on during our class meetings is greatly appreciated!
Class Discord
As this class will take place online, we will be using a Discord server to centralize communication and announcements for the class. The Discord will also serve as a space for feedback and comments during feedback sessions. If there are any updates/changes to the class I will announce them on the Discord, so be sure to check often.
The standard VCU attendance policy states that student absences during the semester are not expected to exceed the number of times the class meets in one week (2). More than 4 absences without communicating with me beforehand will result in a failing grade.
If at any point during the semester you are unable to be present, please communicate this with me as soon as you can and we can work together to figure out how to make up the missed time. My primary concern in this class (beyond your education) is your wellbeing. I will try to be as accomodating as possible but need communication from you in order to do so.
VCU Policies and Resources
The University requires all students and faculty to be aware of policies outlining expectations, requirements and student services related to academic life. Please visit the following link and review these at the start of each semester:
COVID-19 Updates
For information regarding institutional adjustments, policies, and safety precautions during COVID-19 please consult the web page for One VCU: Responsible Together.
This syllabus and class’s foundation has a number of sources to thank:
- Laurel Schwulst — whose published syllabi and class portals served as my own unbidden introduction to web design. Much of the pacing and tone of this class is modeled after her approach.
- Mindy Seu — whose classes and workshops have helped expand my thought around digital pedagogy.
- Roy McKelvey — whose generously provided syllabus has served as the organizational structure of this class.